Dealing with Divorce: Reality Revealed
A Divorce Guide and Journal

Everyone knows someone affected by divorce; whether its you, a friend, family member or a colleague at work. Everyone can benefit from Nan’s divorce guide and journal, for both men and women.
“Friends and colleagues have asked me if I ever planned to share my own story in a book,” says Nan, “I realized that my story is best shared through what I have learned working with so many others confronted with the challenges of divorce and by asking the questions I believe are essential.”
In this divorce guide and journal, Nan provides her practical insights about the realities of separation and broken relationships in chapter topics ranging from legal and parenting questions to dating and intimacy. Nan asks the questions that deserve to be answered by the reader, whether its before, during or after a divorce.
Purchase this book via PayPal now for only $19.95! (plus $6 s/h)*
*allow 5-7 days for delivery. Expedited service available upon request.
About the Author
NAN COHEN, divorce consultant and radio host, considered marriage a lifetime commitment. Her new reality began abruptly when she returned from a family vacation to her husband’s demand for a divorce. It was the early 1990’s and she was the mother of a 14-month-old daughter. While her world was turned upside down, her husband—using knowledge from his prior divorce—accessed and locked Nan out of their bank accounts and credit cards. She was left without even cash for a new car seat for their growing toddler.
Nan learned the realities of divorce by experiencing it—a long and bitter divorce, joint custody, social stigma, and emotional turmoil. Through it all, she gained empowerment by being there for others experiencing divorce. By the time her second husband said, “Nan, you should become a divorce therapist,” Nan had recognized a niche. Surrounding herself with a panel of superb lawyers, accountants, certified divorce financial analysts, marriage counselors, and even judges, Nan created a forum in which to explore the myriad of aspects of divorce.
“Nan on Divorce” is now recognized as the go-to person on divorce. Nan brings her practical, reality-based perspective to individuals through consulting with other divorce team professionals, one-on-one coaching, and audiences of her radio shows, seminars, and tools including her first book, DEALING WITH DIVORCE: REALITY REVEALED, a divorce guide and journal. While she does not promote divorce, Nan does promote understanding all of the complexities of divorce: from custody to alimony, child support to financial settlements, parenting skills and even remarriage. Emphatically, Nan promotes everyone dealing with divorce to do what is best for the involved children.
Finding her voice as a quick-witted, practical and non-nonsense resource, Nan hosts DEALING WITH DIVORCE, on the air since 2004. Her 30-minute weekly radio show is heard on Pittsburgh’s KQV 1410 AM, and online at Here, her valued experts join her to discuss divorce and all its related issues. Nan began with a local show regarding plastic surgery. She been a contributor on KDKA-TV on “Pittsburgh Today Live” and is a frequent guest expert in programs and media stories about divorce.
Nan’s 14-month-old daughter is now 20 and a sophomore in college. Her 12-year-old daughter with her second husband is in sixth grade. Her husband and family supports her goal to help people going through a divorce; besides, Nan concurs, her husband knows he would get his clock cleaned if he divorced her.
“Dealing with Divorce” shows and Nan’s resources for those navigating through divorce are found via our social media channels which you can find on the right sidebar of this page.